For thirteen years, I tried to learn how to be happy with things being the way they were. But nothing inside me wanted to be happy with this. For thirteen years, I had nights where I woke up in tears wishing things were different. For thirteen years I wondered why I couldn't just be happy with this one situation.
And after thirteen years, somebody asked me... what if there was actually something you could do to change the situation instead of just simply trying to be happy with things the way they are. What if what you are feeling isn’t simply discontentment, but rather a need to do something? Is there something you can do?
And there was something I could do, but it felt impossible to even try. I was afraid that if I tried... the whole blue world would spin right off its axis.
Over a span of several years, there were three people who all encouraged me with the same simple notion that almost felt half crazy to me. I could do something, and as catastrophic an idea as it felt in my head, it wasn’t, in fact, impossible.
Three people all sat and listened well to my pain. Three people heard my fears, asked lots of curious questions, and helped me see after all, that it wasn’t as scary as it felt.
And by the time that third person had listened and heard me out, by the time that third person had asked so many curious questions that made my fears seem so much smaller, when they had heard the whole story and assured me it was doable, I was ready to try.
So I did try, and in one day the dynamics of the situation changed. It's not that it made everything perfect, but everything became different. The thing I had wanted for thirteen years, but never thought it would happen, it happened. The thing I had hoped for and waited for, I didn't have to keep waiting for it to come from outside of me. And those thirteen years were over when I would wake up in the night crying over the same situation that I felt powerless over.
It wasn't catastrophic after all. It was really rather simple.
I’m grateful for God’s faithfulness to meet me in my fears, grateful for three people who met me there.
And I’m grateful to learn it through experience… I am not powerless.
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.” (2 Tim. 1:7, NKJV)
I want to cheer when it says that God has given us a spirit of love.
I am glad when it says that God has given us a sound mind.
But I feel brand new in learning to embrace it and know the joy of it when it says that God has given us a spirit of power.
When it says that God has given us a spirit of power, I can tend to skip over this, to want to give the power to someone else. But to take control of the situations in my life, when it’s in my power to do so, that doesn’t feel like me. And well, power can feel like a bad thing, when you’ve seen it used in unhelpful ways. And even more so, when you’ve tried to exercise power before and felt like you only burned situations to the ground. It’s true: there is ‘power’ that is not from love or from God.
But the power God gives us is the power to receive His own Spirit of power. To fully own our part in the situations that we are in and give God the rest.
In the verse, God doesn’t give us three separate things to pick and choose from. He gives us His own spirit where power, love and a sound mind all work together. I can step into love best when I am owning what is mine to have power over.
I have a sound mind when I simply own what is in my control and give to God what is not.
His Spirit is not in my fears, though his Spirit is in humility to be willing to recognize when I get it wrong... to recognize when I put more trust in my own understanding than in the heart of God.
My natural tendencies are not what makes up the person that He made me to be. His Spirit works altogether with power, love and a sound mind over the fears that want to keep me in the shadows, inactive to own my part in this life.
When we explore the possibilities, we often have power over many more things than we first realize.
It's hard to keep remembering it. When you've always felt powerless over so many situations, it's hard to keep remembering and embracing what kind of spirit you really have been given. It's tiny steps forwards and back again to keep holding the truth:
things that I have felt hurt by do not have to have power over me.
Not everyone’s situation is the same, but when I explore what I really do have power over, I find many areas of life where I often forget that I am not powerless.
Here are a few things I find:
I’m given power to extend invitations to partner with people in my time, in conversation, in my work, in the growth of our hearts. And I have power to own how I extend those invitations. I have no need for shame in extending them.
I don’t have power over how invitations are received, but I do have power to take note of how they are received and what I can learn from the situation.
I have power to remember that I am deeply loved as a truth that has nothing to do with what my life looks like or feels like at any certain moment.
I have power to recognize my needs and to express them. I have the power to ask for help. I have the power to recognize what things are important and necessary in my life and how I will carve out my time. I have the power to say yes or no to people’s requests from me based on what I need that time for.
I have power to receive my emotions, to feel them and let them move me in learning and growing as they are designed to. I have the power to learn from the mistakes I make in exercising my emotions. I have power to exercise control over what I do with my emotions, but also to let them move my heart in healthy ways.
I have power to share my feelings with other people and find healing for the things in my heart that need company sometimes.
I have power to recognize when I need some time alone and seek out help with my responsibilities while I take that time. I have the power to think through my struggles and decisions in healthy ways. I have power to recognize my unhealthy thoughts and choose to trade them for healthy thoughts.
I have the power to initiate conversations with people about the things I feel in the air between our hearts. I have the power to stop when people aren’t receptive to those conversations. I have the power to receive and learn from what I gain in those conversations.
I have the power to recognize when I don’t like the way my life is going, evaluate what I don’t like and make changes. I have power over what I choose to do, regardless of what somebody wants.
I don’t have the power to take away the pain and grief of anyone in my life who is hurting, but I have the power to be ‘with’ them in their pain in just the best way I know how.
I don’t have the power to make any of my own pain or grief go away in this life, but I have the power to hold the promise of God’s presence with me in it, I have the power to reach out to people for support while I am in it, and I have the power to receive what the pain must do in my heart.
I don’t have the power to know what anyone I love is thinking or feeling, but I have the power to ask and I have the power to care.
I don’t have power over someone else’s hurtful behavior, but I usually have power to say something or to do something to remove myself and others from the behavior even while loving and caring about the person.
I don’t have power over other people’s decisions, but I have power to Love them and embrace the person God made them, regardless of the decisions they make. I have power to do what is mine to do, then trust God with the people I love. I have power to say something and do something about it when I don’t like the way someone’s words or actions affect my own life. What I say or do may not change the nature of what they do, but it can help change the way I am treated.
I have the power to recognize what things most frustrate me in the world and let that frustration move me toward Love in the way I live out my life in this world.
I have the power to forgive and heal
from the hurts I have felt. I have the power to live forgiven from the mistakes I have made.
I have the power to Love, because He first Loved me.
And the more I live knowing that I am given a spirit of power, the more His Spirit of Love can live through me.
I always have the power to petition my Father
over everything that is outside of my control. I have power to take every anxious thought and every hurting place inside me to the throne of God in the name of Jesus, by which this world and everything in it holds together.
And in every moment, I have the power to call on the name of Jesus,
who is my salvation, my Lord and my ever present help who is always there for any in this world who call on Him.
And with a power like that, the possibilities are endless.
“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” (Ephesians 3:20-21)
May we be people who step into the world learning and growing in the knowledge that what we are given is a spirit of power, love and a sound mind. We are not powerless over the situations we find ourselves in in this world. Through the spirit of power inside us, and through the gift of the power of prayer and God with us, we are given more than enough to live lives that are abundant with hope, color, purpose and Love as we hold onto the promise of His Kingdom here on earth.