The problems in life can so easily cloud our view until they darken everything we see and all the world feels grey.
Yet, God promises His children, “You are all children of light, children of the day. We are not of the night or of the darkness.” 1 Thess. 5:5. When our view goes grey, that is not who we really are, or who we’re made to be. We are children of light.
We are the salt of the earth. And God uses His own children to color up this place with the life of His own Spirit alive inside our hearts.
It happens to all of us in this life where we walk through valleys in this world: we hit places where the light feels to fade and it can grow more difficult to remember who we are. When darkness drops into your life, how in the world do you see the Light?
When I think of times in my life when my view of life went grey I remember one season of pouring constantly over the political state of divisiveness to the point where it made every part of the whole world feel grey.
I remember one season when I had a terrible at fault accident with four children in the back of the van, and weeks afterwards of seeing the world through the cloud of my own feelings of irresponsibility and inadequacy.
And more than any of it, I remember many seasons of agonizing over relational struggles that I so eagerly wanted to figure out how to fix here and now, until the struggles in those relationships clouded my view of every good thing in my life.
No matter what the problem is, any problem can easily darken our view of life, until a thousand colorful things in our world lose their life and color and joy.
How do we see the world in color again when darkness is trying to be the ruler of our view?
We are children of the light, and that is where we can start. Being children of the light, doesn’t change the fact that the darkness is there, but it does change the way we relate to the darkness. And mostly, when we rest in the knowledge that we are children of the light, it can change the way we think about the darkness.
A verse I’ve always heard commonly quoted in church is Proverbs 4:23, “Guard your heart above all else…” I recently came across a translation of this verse that caught my attention. The NCV was created to be a very simply stated translation of the Bible for people with a low reading level. It words the verse this way, “Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life.”
I think it stands out because of how deeply life can prove this to be true. The way that I think about the things I experience, shapes my decisions and shapes my life.
I cannot remove problems and pain from my life, but I get to choose how I think about those problems. And the way we think about the problems in life can shape the way we see everything.
How do we know we are even able to think about our own pain in healthy ways?
Because as God’s children, we are promised that we do not belong to the darkness, we belong to the light. If we belong to the light, then we know that darkness is not able to overpower us.
When we are confident that we belong to the Light, we have no fear of the darkness.
“I will fear no evil.” Ps. 23:4.
Belonging to the Light empowers us.
“Since we belong to the day, let us be sober, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet.” 1 Thess. 5:8.
As people who belong to the day, we have faith and love to protect our hearts. We have the hope of deliverance to guard our minds.
Faith, hope and love are the primary colors of life in Christ. These three can combine in infinite ways to color the way we see any situation. And the greatest of these is Love.
And all of life can be seen as the art that the Artist is making. Infinite mysterious art in this world that will have its grand colorful reveal. We can choose to wait to see the color until the whole masterpiece is revealed one day, or we can choose to marvel at the color of this life even while we don’t fully understand the beauty of what the Artist is up to.
So then, three ways to see the world in color:
Faith is the color that enables us to believe in what we cannot see.
It keeps our hearts trusting. And we know that the problem we see on the surface, always holds underneath it some grand beauty God is making. Faith keeps us trusting the story. And faith keeps us open to trusting what God is doing in the people beside us and with the hearts within us.
Hope is the color that anchors our life and keeps us grounded when nothing else makes sense.
Hope reminds us that when logically, it looks like we’re moving nowhere, we are always stepping home. Hope reminds us of the promise that we are secure in where we’re going, and we will be delivered from every pain and heartache one day very soon.
And Love is the only color that can bring dead things to life.
Love is the Person who is always there to bring His life to every dead thing in our hearts. Love is the most beautiful thing in the world that can flow through even us, simply because He chose to Love us. Love is the most priceless privilege of all that can plant color in the most grey of hearts.
Faith, hope and Love are the things we have access to as children of the day.
These three things don’t promise us permanent happiness in this world, but what they do give us is worth so much more. They can color our world with beauty even in the darkest pain.
As long as we have faith, hope and Love, we can always make like an artist. We can always see the beautiful color in our pain.
“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
1 Corinthians 13:13.
My post this week is specially dedicated to one of my favorite artists, my friend Bubba. I met Bubba at Christmastime a couple years back. Upon our meeting he gifted me with a candy cane and we have been friends ever since. Bubba loves to work with color and is an expert at seeing the color in people’s hearts. One of Bubba’s favorite people was a man named Mr. Jack. Nearly anytime you talk to Bubba, you’ll hear about Mr. Jack.
Mr. Jack was a bus driver when Bubba was in elementary school, and Mr. Jack made a lasting influence on Bubba’s life. When I’ve asked Bubba why his bus driver inspired him so much, it seems to simply be true that Mr. Jack impacted Bubba so, because he was a person who saw the world in color and it shone right through his life.