Sometimes my heart holds questions that can feel strangely impossible to put into words. And sometimes God is so good, to guide others to ask the question.
The question was asked right there: “How do you truly know that this is God’s voice you’re hearing? How do you really know that this is the way He’s leading you or if this is you’re own self just wanting to go this way?”
I leaned in and listened hard. Because that question, said that way, felt like so many things I had been confused about, like a question I felt and couldn’t figure how to ask in words. I was so grateful it was asked. Maybe I was afraid to ask it. And maybe I’ve wrestled with that question before. Maybe I’ve heard answers several times before. But I am so forgetful and I needed to hear what she had to say in answer.
And she began to speak, where I could see her face there on my phone. She has around fifty more years of learned experience than I do and I wouldn’t say that the zoom app is her comfort zone. But she had learned the resource new, showed up and invited us there so we could stay connected even while we stay home. Her words came refreshing, just like the gift of her presence offered.
And what she had to say felt like so many things I had lost somewhere along the way. She said she didn’t think anyone is ever one hundred percent sure all the time, but that’s why we walk with God. That’s why we keep bringing our hearts to Him daily and stepping forward with Him one step at a time.
Sometimes we get it wrong, but that’s where God gently holds us and brings us back home to His presence. The biggest danger is not in stepping wrong, but the biggest danger is in being so afraid we will step wrong that we hold back from taking steps.
She spoke those words and the verse I read earlier that week rang out like a lifeline to hold for all of my confused places. “Only let us hold true to what we have attained” (Philippians 3:16).
Hold true.
She spoke those words and it felt like the biggest reassuring gift to hear them spoken as true from someone who had so many more years of life behind her in which she had learned it proven.
We can hold true to where God has brought us.
We can hold true to what He has taught us.
And He will be faithful to hold us for the next step just as He always has before.
I don’t need to doubt the way God has brought me. I don’t need to doubt His ability to lead me. I don’t need to doubt His promise that He’s given me His Spirit with which to hear His leading. And I am always invited back home to remember and hold true.
Maybe He’s been inviting you to hold true too?
I know it’s true that often the most confused and tangled up places I can get myself into are due to my very own doubts and questions. Where even though, somewhere inside, I know where God’s been leading me, I question it. I doubt it. I wrestle with fears I don’t even want to admit to myself. Or I even struggle to simply be honest and keep my eyes forward in acknowledging His leading in my life and holding true to it.
My four year old Liesel, she has been such a gift to me the last couple weeks in ways she doesn’t even know. She was bored and she pulled the box of my old high school journals out from under our bed. I picked up my journal from tenth grade and I was five pages in when I just had to bawl. My struggles have not changed. I still spin the same circles that I did in tenth grade. And looking at those pages I realized, in more than ten years of life, my weakness that I wrestle with has not changed at all. And when I look through my journals, the only thing that does change in that regard, is what I’m doing with my weakness.
What made me cry even more, is that it felt like I was in a season of doing some of the same things with my weakness that I was doing in tenth grade, and looking back, I knew it was a broken approach. But I felt so stuck to put my finger on the reason.
My Nano, he listened, patient with me in the old ruts I get into. He spoke tender to the tenth grade me and her approach and what he said felt like so much life.
You don’t have to try to get around your weakness in order to get to God. God wants to walk with you, through this, right here where you are.
Don’t try to get around your weakness to God. Let Him walk with you through your weakness and let His power be shown perfect.
With His words came the simple thought: remember.
Remember how God has walked with you through your weakness before. How has He walked with you through your weakness before? How has He already shown Himself faithful to be with you through your weakest places?
You have no reason to fear that He’s on the other side of it, apart from you, waiting for you to figure it out. That’s not who He is.
We can hold true to where He’s been leading us.
Because He is the God who goes with us.
He is the God who came down. He is the God who stepped into humanity with us and learned moment by moment how it feels to be a human among humans who is brutally misunderstood. He is the God who walked through our own roads with us. He walked the stage of human struggle before us “in every respect” (Heb. 2:17).
He is the God who goes through it with us.
Right when I fear that He leaves me to go through the hard parts alone waiting on the other side, that’s when I’m most forgetting. No, He is the God who goes through the hard parts utterly alone so that I do not have to.
When I fear that my fellowship with Him is split in my weak places, I’m forgetting.
The only split that ever happened with God was when the Trinity split up so Jesus could walk my own hard road all alone. To walk the lonely road of the cross that I was destined for and give me instead a destiny of hope.
God split with His only Son then, so that He would never have to split with a single one of His children ever again.
He is the God who goes with us in every last way.
We can trust Him to go with us through this too.
We can hold true to where He’s been leading us.
It doesn’t have to make sense to everybody else. No, it simply has to be in peace with His Word and His Spirit and be continually brought to His Throne. We are free to keep bringing the songs of our lives that are not understandable to the One who does understand and leads us through it just one day at a time.
We are His poem. And the lovely thing about a poem is that while it’s beauty can be felt by anyone who chooses to enjoy it, the only One who can truly understand a poem completely is the one who wrote it.
He is the Poet who writes the poem we are living.
We can keep stepping into the poem, knowing that He didn’t call us to make it make sense. He called us to be a poem. He didn’t call us to find a way around our weakness in order to get to Him. He calls us rather, to just be His poem. To let Himself be glorified beautiful with our weakness. He will go through it with us making it lovely as we simply receive His with-ness.
We can hold true to His Spirit with us.
When we look at the promises of Scripture and take them at their Word, we have no need to question whether we are able to sense His leading on our lives. If we are His children and His Holy Spirit is inside us, we are able.
The thing we need guard against most is our own doubts.
We guard against them by remembering and holding true. By being honest before our God.
It was when Liesel invited me to go on a quiet walk with her, that the sunshine gave quiet space to my heart to remember. It was disappointment inside me that I hadn’t been acknowledging to my God. The disappointment I wanted to shirk, it turned to fear quiet inside me. Turned to frustration and anger directed mostly at my children.
But that night when I acknowledged that disappointment to God with tears and let Him be with me there in that feeling instead of trying to get around that feeling, something inside me could breathe again. And for these several days after that, it’s been so much more easy to be patient with my children. It’s true. I was never really angry at them. I was just overwhelmed because I could find no way around my disappointment.
But God came to be with us. And if I can just remember Him there on that tree, then I’ll remember that He wants to be with me in every weak place, even in my disappointed feelings.
Isn’t that why He went to the cross? So that He could be with
Are there weak places inside me where I am not receiving His with-ness that He died to give me?
It’s when I let Him be with me in my weakest places, that He walks me through it to a place where I can keep holding true. It’s through the weakness with
Him that the promise is real.
We can hold true to where He’s been leading us.
We can hold true to His Spirit inside us.
We can hold true to His promise to hold our steps.
He doesn’t ever let us go. And our most broken steps are held inside of His own. If I can only remember His steps to that cross, coming for me...
He went to the cross to be with
us in weakness and death.
So that we can hold true to the new destiny He is forever bringing us with His risen life.
This holy week, we can re-member our weak places to His coming to be with us.
Our God is alive and we can hold true to where He’s been leading us.
“That I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead.
Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Let those of us who are mature think this way, and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal that also to you. Only let us hold true to what we have attained.”
Philippians 3:10-16. (ESV, italics mine)