We pulled up our driveway and I opened the car door. Stepping onto the walkway with a smile, I admired the old house I do love and was glad to see our dogs. It was evening time, cloudy, but light enough to make the spring greens all around the house glow. There is nothing like spring green at the farm. It’s so lovely I don’t even mind when the yard gets a little overgrown from all the rain. It makes the spring greens fill up the yard even more. Still there was that looming sense that is just there, the state of the pandemic world. I don’t even like using those words, but my heart has a need to learn how to acknowledge it and to acknowledge the feelings that go with it.
I knew that smile felt like an effort that evening. And that it didn’t match so many moments over the last week. Still it felt like such a peaceful place, our home surrounded by pasture that can feel worlds away from the rest of the world. Where the dogs have no idea that anything about the world has changed from a couple weeks ago, other than maybe the weather or the kind of leftovers they got from us after dinner.
Then, I almost wanted to envy the dogs. They don’t even know.
The glowing spring greens, the fresh feel of the grass after the rain, the open pastures showcasing the skies. The old white fence around the yard and the dogs wagging their tales without a worry. This feels like peace.
That evening though, even over that peaceful place, how could the feelings still loom even here? How could one problem become so big to weigh itself down like a blanket that spreads itself over the great big world?
And even as I enjoyed our open view of the skies and the spring greens that have always been my favorite part of this old farm I’ve always known, I couldn’t help feeling that blanket called pandemic lay itself down over our skies and the whole world too.
In the past couple weeks, I’ve had days where I wanted to avoid the words pandemic and virus altogether. Focus on the beauty and shut out the ugly words. Talk about anything else.
Then I’ve felt behind to see the statistics and realize how I have a responsibility with this just like anyone else. Then, I wanted to learn how to be as cautionary as I reasonably could.
Days where I wanted to pour myself into deep-thinking work to keep my mind occupied.
Days where I cried.
And of course, a million other things in between.
But feeling that blanket of pandemic rest itself over the world, even reaching this peaceful place I love, that felt different. More reflective. And more recognized as a real feeling to some place inside me.
Do our hearts need time to catch up in seeing what our feelings are doing? Time to process what a worldwide crisis even is? Time to respond to what it’s doing inside us.
Even while I feel the looming blanket of pandemic rest itself over the world, I know those feelings are offered rest. Sometimes it can be so hard to remember how to lean the feelings into that rest.
Sometimes I can try to pray, and struggle to let it refresh me in the truth.
Sometimes I can want to show love, but it can feel empty in a time like this.
Sometimes I can know that there is power in being still before my God, but I can feel lost to find that place.
More than ever, I need rhythms to lean on right now.
I have a need, especially in a time like this, to recognize where I’ve gotten into ruts in my prayer life and find prayer rhythms with my God that will help move my uncertain heart into His certain presence. I have a need to exercise my prayer life right now, to get out of my stuck patterns and be willing to step into my God’s presence in ways I might not be used to. Because I have a need. We all have a need to press into what will help move the feelings of our hearts into the presence of our God.
There are so many practices and exercises for helping our relationships get out of the ruts they get into, and how much more important is that for our prayer life with God? In a time like this, the need is the same as it has always been, but it’s easier to see the need here.
Maybe I have a deep need to see the beauty of the moments when David complained to God out loud, or when Daniel kept his appointments to physically get down on his knees before God. Maybe I have a need to try the things they did. Maybe I have a need to just be like a child and simply pray the Psalms aloud to my Daddy in heaven, allowing the words to train my heart in how to open it’s uncertain places to God.
There are limitless things I can do to exercise my prayer life right now.
I have a need to Love, even when Love can feel empty to me right now. Love is best learned through practice. And I have lots of opportunity right now to practice rhythms of Love, especially towards the people who I share home with. It’s in the action of Love that God reassures our hearts and grows us up in His own Love.
Even if my Love feels empty, there is nothing empty about giving Love if Love is given out of worship to my God. It’s through the worship of Loving that He grows His own Love in us more than reflection or reading about Love could ever do itself.
It’s as we pour our uncertain places into the worship of loving that He works on the unsure places inside us in the quiet, assuring our hearts that we can rest in the One who is Love, Himself.
Be Still.
And so greatly right now, I have a need to be still and know that He is God even if I feel like I’m not sure just how to do that. God is so patient with us, always there for those who come to Him. Always drawing us in closer as we aim to step closer ourselves.
He will be faithful to teach us all we need to know.
We can learn to be still from trying to make the jagged pieces of our hearts perfect. We can learn to be still and rest in the knowledge that He is the One making it all beautiful. Not us.
He has blessed us with so many ways to take the unsure and uncertain places in our hearts and turn them toward Him. And as these places in our hearts keep finding rest in His presence, pandemic can become a tool to strengthen our hearts.
This thing that raised these feelings, can bring us into places where we lean our feelings harder on the only One we need.
And He will be faithful to lead us through with the promise. No blanket of a problem that covers this world we live in, is near as big and sure as the blanket of God’s arms of Love around us that have always and ever been certain.
He sees us and He covers us with the blanket of His Love. He gives us all the ways we need to rest our every feeling deep into the peace of His promise.
For weeks I’ve been polishing an audio series for you. For over a month, I’ve been planning to share this series this week and it’s been beautiful timing for my own heart to lean into.
If you’d like to lean into these three rhythms more deeply, I’ve created one audio piece for each of them. Thoughts for leaning our unsure and uncertain places into each of these rhythms: prayer, love, and being still.
If you’d like to spend a few minutes each day for the next three days unpacking these three rhythms for your unsure places, you can request the three audio pieces below.
Hope to see you inside!