The things we don’t know can feel like monsters telling us we’re trapped until it’s all figured out. They loom and prod and make us feel trapped by our lack of answers. Fear of not knowing can stifle the things inside us that want to grow and thrive.
With a birthday coming up in a couple days, I want to retrace everything I’ve learned this year and what I’m taking with me into 27. But what I actually have, what I have felt for weeks, can feel much more like a ridiculously long list of things I don’t know.
I have felt haunted by what I don’t know.
And unknowns in general suddenly feel like the theme of the world this week, with everything changing so suddenly because of the health concerns the world is faced with right now.
Unknowns are everywhere we turn right now and they can be present in so many more ways than one.
We all have things looming under the surface of the new concerns we are continually informed of this week.
So here is one sure way to face the things we don’t know.
For of course it’s true, that the things we don’t know cannot truly trap us.
We don’t have to understand in order to be free. We just need the One who does.
When there are a million and one things you don’t know, what do you do?
You celebrate the things you DO know.
You celebrate those things and you let it carry you through all the things you don’t know.
Because unknowns just cannot stand up to that. It’s filling me with hope today.
In the middle of feeling just a little numb on the inside this week, I desperately want to share the beauty of simple truths, regardless of how simplistic it could feel. These things are more beautiful to me than anything right now and they calm my soul. I hope they fill you with peace too. Because when so many other things are uncertain, what feels more strongly reassuring and comforting to me than anything in the whole wide world is holding onto the simplest old truths that I know will always be certain. Here are ten things I know and can hold onto with certainty, that I am celebrating for my 27th birthday.
These things are the most beautiful, powerful things in the world to me right now that we could savor forever. These are the truths that gird up our messy places and can hold us together through any unknowns.
1. God is Love.
It’s Bible truth. And the fact that God is Love means there are so many things that God is not. I’m so glad that God is not rules. I’m so glad that God is not beyond what our hearts can feel. I’m so glad that God cares about the tiniest thoughts and feelings that run through my brain.
2. Love is patient.
In the great chapter in the Bible about what Love is and what it is not, the very first thing it says is that Love is patient. If that’s the first thing the Bible notes about what Love is, it must be important.
If Love is patient, than God must be patient. He is exceeding in patience for the time it takes us to learn and grow.
And, if Love is the most important response we can have to the situations in our lives, and the first thing we know about Love is that it is patient, then perhaps in the face of the most dire and uncertain circumstances, maybe the best thing we can do is to ask ourselves what it would look like for us to patient with this. With her. With him. Love is patient. And Love has always been patient with us.
3. Jesus is the Truth.
Even if we’re not sure at all what else is true, we can rest in the knowledge that Jesus is the Truth. There is so much we could trust that could turn out false, but trusting His Word will never put us to shame.
4. Jesus is the Way.
When we don’t know which way to go, all we have to do is follow Jesus. There’s a million ways we can make that complicated, but following Jesus is always more straight and simple than we want to make it. He tells us it won’t be easy, but it is always rewarding.
5. Jesus is the Life.
Abundant life is here. There is no furthur place we have to look. Abundant life is in the life of Jesus.
“He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, that we might die to sin, and live to righteousness. By His wounds, you are healed” (1 Peter 2:24).
We are dead to sin, and sin has no more hold on us. By his wounds, we are made alive. His risen life has made us free to walk in the life of His righteousness today.
6. Our Father’s name is holy.
The One we belong to is holy. This is where we find our belonging. This is who we’re made to be like. Everything will fall in place as we hold it in our hearts that He is holy.
7. His Kingdom is coming, His will being done.
Every day is one step closer, one page more of His story unfolding, one day closer to seeing His face.
His story is perfect, even when it doesn’t feel perfect to me. And it takes every sad and happy chapter of the story to communicate the message of what the story is saying.
8. He is all we need.
God is all we need, and He, Himself is here to meet our every need. He longs to satisfy us with His own glory. With His own Love He comes to meet us.
“Man does not live by bread alone” (Matt. 4:4). And we do not live by anything else alone, but by every Word of God.
9. Forgiveness is always the way forward in Jesus.
Without a doubt, if forgiveness is not there, it’s not the way of Jesus.
If I am not living forgiven for my sins, I’m invited to the free way of Jesus.
If I am drowning in unforgiveness for a brother or sister, I’m invited to the free way of Jesus.
10. The Spirit of God is here to lead us and our promise is deliverance.
We have no need to fear, with God as our Guide. He will not lead us into temptation. He will deliver us from our enemy.
His way is the way that delivers from sin. His way is the way that delivers from death.
He will deliver us safe into the beauty of His own glory.
It’s all we need to know for now.
We won’t be afraid. For if all these things are true we have all we need and we have no need to fear.
We don’t need any new truths. May we be content and filled with hope by the old truths that we will hold to more deeply.
In Jesus name.
God is Love: 1 John 4:8
The greatest is Love: 1 Cor. 13
Jesus is the Way, Truth and Life: John 14:6
The Lord’s Prayer: Matt. 6:9-13
For my book about the Lord's Prayer as a place to lean in the middle of uncertainty...