Dear Amayah,
The words I have to give you here are not perfect and they may not make sense all at once, but I hope someday these words help you see the gift of your own design... and your own tears, and how your tears help me see my own reflection. One of the best gifts I know to offer you is to tell you the story.
When you were a baby, I was afraid to leave your side. I was terrified that if I did not pick you up the second that you cried, you would grow up believing that I did not Love you. That you would grow up believing that, and that it would make me a failure as a mother and a failure as a person.
I thought that by trying to learn how to make you know how much you are Loved, I was learning how to Love you well. I thought that when you finally learned how much you are Loved, then I would have figured out exactly how to Love.
At that time, I thought my only truly important purpose in life was to make you know how much you are Loved.
And I lived life thinking that it was my job to make my newborn baby see that to the point that she would stop crying. And you cried what felt unceasing no matter how much I tried to show you Love. You cried hours and hours every day. And I could not understand what was wrong with me. I was seeing the situation in the way I knew how. I struggled through, trying to find the way to see what was true.
What I do believe is if you seek out the truth with your one earnest heart, the Truth will show Himself to you. He will never hide anything from you that you need to know in order for Him to write your story well. He will come and find you just as He knows best. As long as you live, never stop seeking the Truth.
One thing that is true is this: Nobody can “make” anybody see how much they are Loved. And in the moments when we are living out of fear that we can’t make it happen, we are up against so many battles. I struggled to Love you with peace, because I did not know how much I am Loved and that my own worth and peace is not dependent on my ability to make you know worth and peace.
I had to free you from being the measuring stick of my own success as a person. But I did not know how.
I can say this another way...
When I was pregnant with your sister, I Loved her and you both, but I greatly feared that I would not ever be able to make either of you ever see that you are Loved. I greatly feared that all that I was, was a failure.
I tried to follow Jesus the way I knew how and I tried to make you both see Love, but often, when I felt like I was failing, I numbed out my fears with the old place of weakness inside me that I had always wanted to shed for my whole life.
And by the time that your brother was born, within two months, I knew for sure that I was an absolute failure at this. I could never hope to be capable to make any of the three of you see worth and peace, because even though I was trying to follow Jesus the way I knew how to, I could not feel stable worth and peace for myself.
It felt that I had to find a way to free all three of you from being the measuring stick of my own person. It was too much weight to put on these three precious, vulnerable hearts.
I had to learn how Loved I am so that I could free you all from being the measuring stick of my own peace.
I followed Jesus in the way I knew how, and I turned to the place that I believed would help me learn how Loved I am. The place I believed would help me learn how to truly Love and what to really do with everything inside me that felt like it could only find glimpses of peace at a time. I often felt like Peace was there in me, deep, down inside me, but I only felt in touch with Him in the quiet where I could take much time to plunge deep down through all the rivers of my feelings to what I knew was True.
I deeply wanted to learn how to access that peace in normal, ordinary life. Not just in the quiet. I turned to what I believed would teach me.
And I became deeply intertwined in trying to see how this one thing could teach me how to Love the way that I am designed to Love.
Still, the Prince of Peace never did let go of me.
What I mean is when I look at the mother I was with your newborn brother in my arms, I cannot judge her. Though at the time, she did not see things that I can look back and see for her now, I believe in her and I'm grateful for the story. What I really mean by that is that I believe in the image of God there inside her. I believe that she was doing what she could find in her heart to learn to let that image of God shine out.
I believe in her, just as I want you to know that I believe in you always, no matter what you ever do on your search.
Sometimes, my Amayah, God invites us to follow Him through a valley. He will lead you through a valley that will make every self-doubt inside accuse you with screams in your face. He will lead you through a valley where you will make mistakes, yet all the while He is training you how to hold on to courage. Even through your every mistake, He is teaching you how to take hold of His joy and let it be your weapon to battle your self-doubts again and again down to their place at the foot of His cross.
I was walking through a valley where I felt no stable peace. So many people kept pointing me home in the best ways they could find.
This pandemic brought it out even more. More and more, I was hearing people’s concern.
I messaged a friend to ask her about how she saw it and part of her response… “I feel like you are looking for meaning and understanding in a way that most of us cannot help you find. And that’s okay, both ways.”
It was kindness and it helped me want to receive help with more openness.
Well, my Amayah, it was just a few days later, you are almost seven years now. I laid by your side so long that night, like I still do most nights. This is one way I have best known how to show you Love. Nights are still when you feel the most afraid. Nights are still when you long the most to feel protected. Maybe God used my own fears to inadvertently form you in this. I don’t know for sure, but I know that everything, even my own actions done in fear, can be redeemed. I know God wanted you to be the strong, beautiful protective girl you are. Nothing enrages you more than when you feel your baby brother is not well protected. Nothing enrages you more than when you fear he is in danger. Protection is one way you feel Loved. And protection is also this one beautiful way that God designed you to show Love. Many times I make mistakes in truly recognizing this and nurturing the gift that God gave you.
I laid there for nearly an hour rubbing your back that night. You were still awake, but I had to get up. I had to go to my room, because I need rest too.
You cried at the door and I heard you. You cried like I did not Love you. And I have to be honest, my first thought… Why can’t she see that I do love her? I laid by her side all that time. I simply can’t do it forever. But, would I have done that for all that time if I did not love her?
And in that instant, I remembered that morning. The question from my therapist flashed across the screen.
I had been answering his questions and told him all about what makes me feel Loved.
“How else do people show Love?”
The question froze something in me with wonder.
Maggie, how else do people show Love other than in the way that you know Love?
In that moment by brain hurt. I knew there were answers to this. Of course there has to be several answers. Still… his question was, in fact, hurting my brain. That was just how it felt. Why is this question so hard to answer?
The experiences in my life that have scared me the most were words that cut my heart and times when my feelings felt like they could not breathe. And now, when I want to show someone Love, I want to offer them words that breathe out feelings, to offer them words or provide them with a place that might help their own feelings breathe. Feelings are what I am tuned into and how those feelings can find beauty and truth and freedom through words expressed. Feelings breathed out with words are what I most readily want to see as Love. This is what life has taught me. This is how I tend to want to build trust.
When I feel something that is beautiful, I must find a way to share it. This is ingrained into my design.
Of course, everybody is not wired this way. Why is that so hard to remember? Why can it be so hard to accept the fact that everybody else is not wired just like you?
Thinking about this, I realize, of course, I am so glad that everybody else is not wired just like me. Who wants to live in a world where all anybody ever does is talk about their feelings? That would actually be terrible and so many things would fall apart. The whole world would end up in ruins. Each person’s design is equally important in this world that we live in. No person’s design is better than mine and my design is no better than any other person’s design. We are all made by the same God and we each hold a valuable purpose.
Still, I know that feelings and words are extremely valuable because they are both dimensions of God’s Love that He has firmly built into my design. Feelings and words are both ways that we connect with each other as people. They are not the only ways, by any means. But they are ways.
I do have to stay true to what God has designed me for. If I try to move over to what God has designed somebody else for, that would be all wrong and I would fail for sure. I can not serve God or the people in my life by trying to take up a place that He did not design me to stand in. I do have to exercise feelings and words. These things are expressions of God’s Love that He created me to express.
Yet… I cannot stand well in my own design, unless I release the people in my life... None of us can stand well in our own design unless we release the people in our life from this one thing...
This one thing… is what Amayah made me realize with her tears that night.
Why can’t she see that I do Love her? That had been the question in my head. But her tears told me what I struggle so much to see...
She only knows how to feel Love in the way that she knows how to feel Love.
The people in my life only know how to feel Love in the way that they know how to feel Love.
And I only know how to feel Love in the way that I know how to feel Love.
This is a struggle. This is the reason that we so misunderstand each other. This is why we can struggle so to connect with each other. This is why it is so hard to see how much we really are deeply Loved.
While certain expressions of God’s Love are alive in each of us, we all have many more expressions of God’s Love that are broken in us.
There are so many expressions of God’s Love that we each do not know how to feel, because this world is broken. Each of us are broken.
And we are all born, not knowing the best ways to use the very design that God gave us.
There are so many expressions of God’s Love that I have been completely blind to. I have been blind to the ways that so many people in my life were just trying to show me Love.
When I am grateful for the way that they are trying to show me Love, then and only then, can I see. When I believe in them... I am not believing so much in their own actual abilities to live in Love. If I rest all of my confidence on my own abilities to live in Love I know that I will fail. And I can expect no more of them. Rather, by believing in the people in my life, I am believing in the expression of God’s Love that they were designed to shine with. I have to have faith that that design is there underneath everything that they are doing and everything that they have done. I have to believe that they are fighting a thousand kinds of battles that I cannot see and I trust God is making way through the dark for them just as I trust that He is able to make the way for me.
If I believe in them, I will give them loving space to do what they need to do on their journey. If I believe in them I will also have faith that they are doing their best with what they have right now.
When I believe in that and explore it, what I find is this... the things I have felt the most hurt by in life, were actually just ways that people were trying to use the design that God made them with. They were usually doing the best with what they had to use the things inside them that were made for Love.
They are doing their best to exercise their design with what they have. I have to trust that, because I trust in the One who created them.
And I… me… I can struggle so to learn how to use my design in the way of Love. I struggle the most to use it, when I am looking anywhere, other than Jesus, to try to see how valuable my design is.
I cannot live life questioning whether my expressions of Love are helpful. I have to live with faith.
This is what I can do… This is the one thing.
I can release every last person in my life and every last thing in my life from being the measuring stick of whether my design has worth or not. The more I look at who Love, Himself really is, the more I will know how to do that.
Any time that I am putting myself in a position where I am holding something else or someone else up as the measuring stick for how well I am able to use my design, I am getting myself stuck in a pit where I cannot see the situation clearly. I am getting myself stuck in a place where I cannot well learn how to grow.
No person in this world can be the measuring stick of how much worth that my own design has. No person and nothing in this world can be the measuring stick of how much worth that your own design has.
Why is it so difficult for me to see what I am doing? Why can it feel so much easier to see what everybody else is doing?
We need so much more help than we realize seeing inside our own hearts.
I need so much more help than I realize.
Of course, no person could ever be a good measuring stick for my own worth, no matter how hard they tried, if that person is not Love, Himself.
I could not see what I was doing. I knew that something was wrong, but I couldn’t see what I was doing or how to get free.
Still, Amayah, still... I am so grateful for this valley that God has brought me through. I would never trade this valley away. I would never, ever trade away the person that I have been wanting to be my measuring stick for all this time. That person has been patient with me. So many people have been patient with me. And that simple patience has been an offering to me of space that I need in order to learn.
Jesus has been using this valley to open my eyes to so much Love.
I am not past life’s valleys. And I am not beyond the reach of my fears. Yet this valley has brought me peace in Love in a way that God knew how much I needed.
I have all I need to take the next step in Love.
Because I have peace that is settled in my soul...
I am deeply satisfied in admitting, I cannot attain Love ever in this life, but I can be eternally satisfied in the knowledge that even in my mistakes, past, present and future, I am deeply Loved and forgiven in every step that I take toward Love. I can be eternally satisfied that I get to take steps toward Love at all and because of that I can take them with peace. Because Love has attained me. Jesus has come to find me right here where I am. This is grace.
My Amayah, I pray that this will teach me to give you more patient space than I ever have before... as you discover the way that God has created you.
I know I will make so many mistakes, but I believe God will use this valley that He’s carried me through to make me a more patient mother. I pray that it will give me strength and hope to walk through all the more valleys that He has for me and you and for our family. To show more Love and grace to all three of you and your Daddy.
I pray it is a beautiful experience to be shared. I’m so grateful to get to call this my story at all. And I pray that we always go back and remember: the best kind of way to protect the people in your life may often be to offer them patient space that is made safe through Love. Patient space where they can freely exercise the design that God made them with.
This is the kind of protection I want to offer you because it is the best way I know how to protect you.
There are a thousand more things I could tell you, here approaching your seventh birthday, about the ways God uses you to help me see more clearly, like how your tears made me realize, that even my own tears of self-pity for what I haven't seen can all be redeemed. Everything can be redeemed. Reflections of grace are everywhere.
Yet for now, I will leave you with this...
Always exercise your design my precious girl, the one that’s built into your heart. And no matter what any voice in your head ever tells you, always look to Love, Himself, to be the One who leads you in learning to use it. Follow Him in just the best way that you know how. It’s all you need to do.
Seek out peace and pursue it... and Peace will make His home in your heart.
I believe in you and I Love you always,
From your broken, but very Loved Mama