How many days I have spent in this old house, feeling at a loss to find my lane in this life. How do you find the lane that you are made to run your race on? For no matter who you are, the truth is just plain: you simply cannot just run the race of your life in a lane that was made for someone else. Everyone else’s lane is already taken. Everyone else’s lane is not the lane that I was made to run. We all have to find our own lane in order to run our race well.
And maybe life is a little like a racetrack unlike anything we’ve ever physically seen before. Where we all really do have our own lane in the race according to the abilities and drives that we were made with. Perhaps we each get to run our own race that is made to be a gift for us to uncover with each step, a journey where we never need show each other up, but simply show up as the person we are for the glory of the One heartbeat of Love that the world runs on. For the race is ever a story being written about us and our Maker.
And to sit at the sticky kitchen table with my laptop while the dryer hums happy in it’s new little corner and I sit under our freshly painted “misty surf” colored ceiling with bright white trim in place, I feel like our home is starting to find it’s lane in our lives. Something is finding place here and even in struggle, there is beauty. The kitchen in our fixer upper house has been under construction for more than two years. We’ve cooked on a stove that sat smack in the middle of the kitchen, have lived without a kitchen sink for over a month, we’ve jerry rigged the washing machine to work in the dining room and we’ve lived with a hole in our kitchen floor that seemed to just suck toys down under the house every day. Yet, even if it can’t happen quickly, it’s so beautiful to see things coming into place, one day at a time.
And for so many pieces of my heart that have felt so out of place, even while so many things in this kitchen were out of place, this home can feel reflective. And sometimes sitting back to breathe in the coming together of what has happened in this house so far, can rest me in the remembrance of Jesus making home in my heart. Where little by little He assures me that there is a lane for me in this life.
Steps don’t always go forward. But it is sure that the lane is there, and step by step the race is more sure. I sit in this same kitchen where I’ve wrestled and fretted over feeling so out of place in this world. Yet, looking at what has come together in here, brings me satisfaction in the remembrance of what He’s bringing together in me.
The kitchen being made in here is brought forward with things like hammers and nails, wood measured and sawed, ladders and paint, the work of the hands and the sweat of Nano’s brow. It doesn’t feel too difficult to at least know how a kitchen comes together.
But how the race of life comes together, how the steps you’re made to run are brought forward, those are things that can feel so much harder to find. What are the things God offers and uses to help us uncover the lane He has made for us to run in this life?
How does God show us what Love even is? How do we learn and find the ways we are made to live Love from our own authentic person?
Many times in life I’ve heard people in my circles speak low of the heart’s desires we hold as people and that has influenced me. But over the last few years, I’ve been asking God to help me reshape a new relationship with the desires of my heart. It’s been so bumpy and messy, but I’m grateful for the journey and I believe it’s been necessary.
Because the Bible places value on our heart’s desires.
“May he grant you your heart’s desire and fulfill all your plans.” Psalm 20:4
“The desire of the righteous will be granted.” Proverbs 10:4
“Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act.” Psalm 37:4.
Our desire is one of our greatest gifts to help us know what kind of fuel makes us go and what part God made us to play in His symphony of Love in the world.
Honoring our heart’s desires can feel so messy, and usually, it’s right in the middle of my heart’s desires that the biggest messes and struggles happen in life. Sometimes it can even feel like there’s a war going on between the very desires inside me. But God’s Word gives the best insight on where we get tripped up the most in this.
“What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you? You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain so you fight and quarrel. You do not have, because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions.” James 4:1-3.
The problem is not that we have desires. The problems are created in what we do with our desires and the way we go about seeking them.
You do not have, because you do not ask.
So often, when we seek our desires, we seek out something that is only an imitation of our desire, instead of committing to our most true and honest desire itself.
It takes more courage than we naturally have to ask for our most honest desires, instead of the imitations. It’s why God always invites us to first abide in Him and His Spirit in us. To rest in the value that He places on us and the place He has made for us in His kingdom. “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Mt. 6:33. It’s the only place from which we can trust God in bringing Him the requests for our honest heart’s desires, resting assured that He will act. Ps. 37:4-5.
It’s largely through the journey with our desires where God uncovers the lane He has for us to run our race on. As we daily surrender the cheap imitations of our desires that we can want with a passion, He helps us to let the darkness inside us fall away as we run our race. To let go of the old and put on the new. To find the specific expression of God’s true Love that He made us to live in the world.
Our desires are always trying to tell us about it, always telling us a story.
Maybe there are as many kinds of people as there are aspects of God’s Love. Maybe we all have a need to find our own lane in this race because we each were made to show a different aspect of the God whose image we were made in.
Relationships are like refining fires where each person is given the opportunity to be made stronger.
In relationships, we get to see the places and hopefully sometimes be told (Pr. 27:6) the places where we tend to seek out the imitation of what we want in the relationship. We cannot pursue relationship without becoming aware of the things that we are the most unsure about in ourselves. And we cannot receive relationship without realizing what makes us feel frustrated or hurt and also what makes us feel Loved.
Relationship gives us information of how every form of words and actions make us feel. We learn how we feel Loved ourselves and we get to practice by trial and error of how to Love others well from our own person. Relationships show us both what makes us come alive and what makes us feel drained. They show us how we can use our own personality to make others come alive and the things we tend to do that can drain other people. And as long as we’re willing to learn, we are refined through the gift of each other. Pr. 27:17.
We get to see where what we think is our lane to run our race on is actually hurting other people. And we always have the opportunity to adjust based on what we find.
Relationships can help me feel the Love of God in tangible ways, when people just love me where I am, even when I’m a mess. We all need the people who will believe in us even after we’ve gotten it all wrong. Relationships can give me the support I need to know that regardless of what hurt I’ve caused, I am still Loved, and therefore I can go on and grow.
We always have areas to grow in and it’s right in the place where we can’t see our growing places on our own, that relationships show us what we are not able to see for ourselves. The gift of people helps me feel the consequences of the places where I get it off. And the gift of people always reminds me of the reward of Love.
The people in our lives and our relationships with them are our most tangible teachers of the wonder of Love and what it is.
And even while relationships are the most tangible teachers, there is only One teacher that never gets it wrong.
The Word gives me God’s own perfect wisdom.
And we have perfect commentary in our Bibles on endless examples of messy people who were on their own messy journey to find their lane in life. Some people who were seeking God and some who were not. But they were all trying to find their own lane to run on in this life that we live. We have numbers of people to learn from who were trying to find their own race with God. And from the stories we get to learn it, and be shown it, in always new ways that it is never easy to find your lane in this life. That the road will often be full of messes, mistakes, doubts and shattered plans, but through all of it we can trust the One who is holding the story from beginning to end. And even when it feels like we never get it right, He is holding our steps all the way through, showing us that He surely has made a place, made a lane, just for us to run our race on. And as long as we seek Him, He can and He will accomplish Love in our lives. Because Love is bigger than us.
Love is a person who died on a tree after He lived a whole life.
And the whole life that Love, Himself, lived is on record for us to pour over. The only person in this world who ran the race that covered the lanes we all run. We have record of what perfect Love looked like. We have the stories of so many ways that He interacted with people.
It’s unending gift to pour over His words, His interactions, His life. It’s space to see where my own idea of what Love is, doesn’t match up with who perfect Love truly is.
The more I let my heart see what His life looks like, the more I see where I misunderstand Love. The Word is the gift to each person’s race. And each person finding the lane they’re made to run in this life, finds more rest in Love, more surety in the steps they take toward Love, when we look to the only One who is Love, Himself.
If life is like a racetrack and God has made a lane for me, then He has given me everything I need for my lane to be uncovered one step at a time.
He has given us desire, relationships and the Word and most of all He has given us His presence. He will uncover the lane He has made for us one day at a time.
We can run our race with confidence. We can go on finding our lane because He is a good God and from beginning to end, it is certain: He has this race of Love all planned out for each of His children.