How many days I have wanted nothing more than to put everything in life on hold so that I can explore my own wounds.
Why can I feel this dire longing to explore the wounds as if one day I could reach a place where I could get to the bottom of these wounds I feel inside my soul. Always, there’s a voice that whispers, if you could only dig a little further, explore your wounds a little more... you’re almost there. You’re about to find the end of this.
And it can feel as if the healing of my own wounds lies at the bottom of the wounds themselves. For years I did wonder, what would happen if I could have the time and space to talk through it all with somebody who could help me understand these wounds? Would I actually get to the bottom?
This year, I’ve gotten to go through four months of therapy. And what it has felt like is getting help in reforming a new relationship with my wounds.
And in the past week reflecting over it… I remembered what felt so fitting. At the beginning of this year, the verse I asked my daughters to learn with me and hold onto for the year was “He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By His wounds you are healed.” 1 Peter 2:24. And through weekly holding that verse with my girls and weekly reforming my relationship with my wounds, the words feels more alive.
By His wounds we are healed.
The Child
Perhaps we all have a wounded child inside us somewhere. Perhaps, none of us interact with our wounds in quite the same ways. But still it’s true, there is a child inside us who is broken. And when that broken child hurts, Jesus comes close.
He’s always been the God who draws near to the brokenhearted.
His Word tells us to be like a child (Matt. 18:3), and yet to put away childish things (1 Cor. 13:11). To have a child’s faith and yet, to grow mature for solid food (Heb. 5:14).
And the child inside us surely holds inside a wonder-filled spirit of faith, from a beautifully quirky person, that longs to be brought alive with faith and purpose for the journey. And the child inside us surely also has a wounded part that needs be continually wrapped in the knowledge that she is loved as she is, but she needs be brought to those arms of the one Father that knows just how to grow her up in Love.
It’s the child inside her who can have the faith to bring the wounds to the Father, to trust the wounds to Him. To bring them yet, again, when she still longs to take them back. She is given all of His Love and everything she needs to bring her wounds forward one step at a time.
In Love, she can remember and hold her head up in the truth: the hurts that she has felt from others were not because of who she is. Her hurts are valid and she is free, as best she can, to bring those hurts to the table where truth and Love have place to grow.
In Love, she can remember and hold her head up in the truth: she is one who has brought hurt to others, and mostly to the wounded man on the tree, but she stands in a place of Love and forgiveness so she is free to Love and forgive.
Because of this Love, she can have faith in what He is doing in her. And because of this Love she can have the same faith in what He is doing in them.
The Wounds
And all the while it can feel like I’ll find my truest identity at the bottom of wounds, the verse tells me something I am hungry to remember. Jesus bore the wounds that heal me.
At the bottom of my own wounds, I find the places where I am most broken, and that is as far as I get. I can try to find identity in that, but it will not rest me in the peace I’m looking for.
It’s not by my own wounds that I am healed. It’s by His wounds. Through His wounds I am healed.
And the searching out of my own wounds that shows me endless brokenness, finds its completion in the searching out of His wounds.
When I search out the life and death of my Jesus, endless are the places where His wounds give identity to mine. And the uniquely broken places in me find their fullest purpose when they are pressed into His own wounds.
His own wounds encompass all of my own. Where I find through His story that He is the man of all sorrows who understands all of my hurts. And I can trace the wounds He felt, and the way He lived in response... the things He walked away from and the things He walked towards. I can trace the ways He Loved and where His hard places fill up my own.
And I find in His Word, that His wounds were given so that I could die to the sin that kills the person He made me to be, and instead I could live in the righteousness of His life that brings alive the person He made me. 1 Peter 2:24.
I find it true: that He never wanted me spinning circles of soothing the wounded child in me with things that are not good for her growth. That kind of soothing will not allow space in my spirit to be filled with the solid food that He offers me in His own life.
In Jesus, we are the people of the Spirit. When the wounded child in us is weak and hungry for soothing, she is not able to stand on her own. We have to lean her up on something that will get her through.
And in Him we are free from being chained to our old soothing patterns. In Him, we have all that we need to pull her from leaning on those places and lean her up on the strength of the Lord.
His strength wants good for us.
The Choice
We are wounded people in this world, and it’s true. Wounded people must find their identity in wounds.
We all struggle with wounds of some kind. We don’t get to choose what the wounds are. We don’t get to choose what the struggle is, and we do not have the power to make the struggle go away.
But because of the wounds of Jesus, we always get to choose this…
Will I identify myself by my own wounds, my own struggle? Will I say this struggle is who I am?
Will I find identity in my own wounds, or will I find my identity in His?
When I choose to lean up on His wounds, I do not have to live as one who is controlled by my own.
My life will not be removed from struggle in this broken world, but His life makes me free to choose who’s wounds are me.
And I always get to lose who I am in my own wounds and find those places alive when I lean up on His.
This is the life that He frees us to have. Our wounds are not who we are. Because by His wounds, we are healed.
The wounded child inside us is always welcome in His arms.
And the faith-filled child can always marvel at the promise of the work He’s doing.
The wounds of our spirits can always remind us how needy we are.
And they can always find healing inside the wounds of Jesus.
We always get to choose where we will lean our wounded places.
And we are forever free to lean wounded hearts onto the God who wants good for us.
No matter the hurt of the child inside me, Jesus is enough to hold her. Jesus is enough to heal her. God is able to grow her up in the goodness of His own Love. And no matter the places she’s given herself to before, His heart has never stopped longing for her to know that His Love wants His very best for her.
She will find herself where she loses herself and finds herself in Him. Matt. 10:39.