“Has no one condemned you?”
“No one, Lord.”
“Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.”
It was the woman they wanted to stone to death because of her sin.
To the woman caught in sin, Jesus’ sermon was only one line. (John 8:11)
It was time for her new start.
Sometimes it’s just time. Sometimes life makes it clear. Sometimes the dysfunction in your life is simply something that can’t be ignored anymore. Sometimes, you are just loved where you are and you simply can’t let this pattern of life go on doing what it’s been doing.
If you’re the woman in the story, sometimes, Jesus shows everyone around you, that they can lay down their stones and walk away.
Sometimes you’re the one with the stone in your hand and Jesus shows you that the ground is even after all. You can lay it down.
For the one feeling the accusations, when you’re shown a love that says not a one of your accusers has any right to accuse, when you’re shown a love like that, what is left to fear?
In the presence of Jesus, all that is left is the place where you are not condemned. And what is found there is all the hope that is needed for a new start.
To the Pharisees in other instances, Jesus gave a bold kind of sermon. He called out the act they were living and would not let on in the slightest sense that any part of it was pretty. (Matt. 23:33)
But here, his focus was all on letting the woman know that it was just between her and Jesus. He waited there until it was just the two of them. He let her hear the silence when everyone realized the truth: they were no better than she. They had no good ground to condemn her from.
The only audience she needed was not one of condemnation. She didn’t need the voices of mankind. All that she needed was an audience alone with Jesus. He believed in her.
Jesus gave her the shortest sermon ever. It was only one line. Three pieces of information. It was all she needed to know.
1. You are not condemned. No one has room to accuse you.
2. Go. You’ve got this.
3. From now on sin no more. You’re ready for a new start.
Jesus knew she had everything she needed to pass through this change in her life. Jesus knew: he didn’t have to give her instructions on what to do. Jesus knew: she was ready to take the next step. Jesus knew.
‘Go, and sin no more,’ might sound like a major life change, but Jesus was freeing her. He knew she had everything she needed to take the next right step and then another. It was just her and Jesus. And nothing was holding her back from the new start in front of her.
Those moments with Jesus freed her and empowered her.
She could face the next difficult step ahead, because Jesus didn’t condemn her. Because Jesus said she could do it.
How do you make a new start when it is just time?
You remember: it’s really just between you and Jesus.
In the presence of Jesus, the sound of other voices fall quiet. All that matters when you’re making a new start is what Jesus thinks.
He doesn’t condemn you for getting yourself in this place. He doesn’t look down on you for what you’ve gotten wrong. He covers you with His Love and lets you know it’s true. Your soul has intrinsic and absolute worth to him.
What was the value I placed on your soul, my child?
Jesus is the only human being that was 100% pure in his honesty. God cannot lie. He would have never paid more for something than he honestly believed it was worth.
You are worth the blood of the Son of God. It’s the worth that Jesus placed on you.
And the only person in the world who has the freedom to throw away the value that Jesus has placed on you, is you, yourself.
Other people may claim to. But as Jesus showed the woman, nobody else has the authority to price the value of your soul.
It’s between you and Jesus.
You are valuable.
So, go. Take a step.
In the light of the woman’s value, Jesus says ‘go.’
Because of the value he saw in her, she could believe. She could do this.
She could step forward into her life knowing that she has value. She was worth more than the sin that had controlled her for so long. She was worth more than the role she had played.
If she believed what Jesus said about her, then she wouldn’t have to cling to those old pieces of her life. If Jesus’ words were true, she didn’t have to hold onto broken things inside her as part of who she was.
She was free to ‘go.’ She could take the next step in life with her head held high from a true and honestly beautiful place.
Jesus empowers us to live our true life.
In him, we have all we need to turn from death to life.
It’s a given, that we are human.
It’s true that we will take imperfect steps, and in this world, sin will never leave us alone.
Yet, the beauty of what we step with, is simply the beauty of Who is within us.
The Spirit within us gives us every spiritual blessing, to recognize when we start acting like we have no value. In the life of Jesus, we have all we need to turn.
From walking in death, to walking in life.
The woman had everything she needed to step into the new start that Jesus directed her into. She lacked nothing that she needed to do what Jesus said.
Step by step, we can learn to follow the leading of the Spirit of God, the rivers of living water that are there to flow from the heart inside us that has always been so thirsty for this. (John 7:37-39)
Moment by moment, Jesus is there for our thirsty hearts.
Each thirst inside us finds its truest place in the life of the kingdom of God.
Don’t look back. Look ahead and step into your new start.
“On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, ‘If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’ Now this he said about the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were yet to receive, for as yet the Spirit had not been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.”
John 7:37-39.
The Spirit has been given. May the Spirit of God continually make his home in these fixer upper hearts.
He isn’t finished and He is faithful. He will do it.