A seventh grade me looked up at the school bus full of teenagers. She dreaded climbing those stairs that climbed so high into the unknown world above her. What if her bag was dorky? What if her hair was wrong? What if she tripped and fell flat in front of everyone? What if she didn’t know what to say? One step at a time she found her way nervous onto a seat next to a girl she knew just a little.
The next comment brought tears and a seat all to herself.
All she wanted in the world was to be over the fear.
A ninth grade me walked into the room as the new girl determined not to be rejected. When a friendly face gave welcoming words, she turned away cold. She wanted no pity for being the new girl.
Later she knew, she had been so rude. She felt the shame and how could she dare walk back into that room again?
All she wanted in the world was to be over the fear.
Sixteen-year-old me had new license in hand... and the guy she’d had a secret crush on for forever asked her for a ride to church. She showed up and he took his place in the passenger seat. Wanting to say something friendly, she spoke words that simply stumbled together on each other. Giving that up, and moving on... she stepped nervous on the gas moments before crashing right into his neighbor’s mailbox.
She wasn’t sure how to play that off, but she did her best.
She so wanted to be over the fear.
Maybe we all feel a little longing sometimes to know exactly what we’re doing. To be so sure of our steps that there’s no room for doubt. To feel the world as our comfort zone where we never have to wonder what we’re doing or where we’re going.
Maybe it’s just way easy for life to feel like a great big loop-de-loop uncertainty.
That longing to feel sure can get me all kinds of tangled inside myself, but remembering teenage me helps me see through my own mess sometimes.
It reminds me of one thing I can always do when the plans and the moments feel uncertain and broken.
Teenage me would listen to preachers and sometimes argue with them in my head. I wanted to believe that God could use me too, but all I could think of was everything that felt so limiting. The imaginary me was using lots of words to tell them all about it. Saying things like, hey, I’m shy and I don’t know how God could ever find my life very purposeful. I have to get over being shy before He can use me… but I don’t know how. So give me something that will help me know how!! There are too many times and too many places where I just don’t know what I’m doing.
Often I’ve thought about what I would say if I could go back and talk to me. But I’m not sure there’s anything I could tell her that could ever compare to letting her live through the uncertainty and feel the story God is writing. Maybe I might just tell her that the best answers don’t come in the way she’s looking for them. That if she simply keeps on living those uncertain moments and listening to the story God is writing through them, she’ll find something much better than life without uncertainty.
Better than an end to her shy feelings, better than knowing exactly what she’s doing, she’ll get to live and feel the story of God’s faithfulness that He is writing uniquely for her heart to delight in.
Often, I am teenage me all over again. Desperately, I’m looking for someone to tell me how to stop feeling unsure and know exactly what I’m doing and where I’m going. I am so forgetful.
I have tried repeatedly to put everything on hold while I search my life for answers. And normally that leaves me in a confused and muddled mess where I am forgetting completely that God’s Spirit is inside me and I can trust in Him to lead me in each little step of today even while I don’t quite know where I am going.
Where we are sometimes encouraged to not move forward without the five-year-plans and goals, all the schedules and budgets, the full-bodied vision and intention, may we remember that these very valuable things and our personal record in using them do not, in the end, have the ultimate say on our life. We can find breathing room in the middle of uncertainty when we remember that the Holy Spirit is inside us and He is bigger than the plans. That going the right way according to human wisdom is not at all the same as keeping our eyes on the One who is the Way.
And the best gifts are found, not in the answers of a moment, or the most sure kind of plan, but in the story unfolding.
Paying attention to the story might be one of the best things we can do, whether we’re uncertain about the five-year-plan or uncertain in navigating the pieces of today.
Earlier this week, I was the girl who had no idea what I was doing.
Because life will put you in places where you are face to face with the pain of another. And pain must stir things inside you and your heart is given the gift of movement.
I stepped unsteady over gravel into a place where I was a stranger and hadn’t been invited. I said a few words that simply stumbled over each other. I held something out without quite knowing for sure if I was doing it to feel better about myself or from love. I felt some uncertainty about if I was in the way or not. I didn’t know what I was doing.
I was glad, but I also cried for awhile afterwards because the world is full of pain that no one should have to go through and I am so empty in the face of it. My steps are broken to meet it.
All I mean is that I haven’t gotten over feeling the fear.
It’s more beautiful than that, isn’t it?
Maybe it’s as breathtaking as taking crazy steps into the empty sky where magic steps appear underneath you. Except it’s not that perfect because you forget and forget to trust that God really will put the steps there. Maybe it’s like letting Him catch you time after time because faith is a work in progress that only grows with practice. It’s falling down again and again while you’re learning to trust that He really is the Way.
It’s living a messy story where God proves to you more and more, that He is holding every unsure step you take. He is making beauty with all of it.
He teaches us through the story, that taking an uncertain step in trust, might feel really empty and broken at the time it’s taken, but one day, someway, God will step into the very place where you took that broken step and He’ll meet you right there to show Himself to you. To show you how He was holding your steps all the way through the journey.
Every uncertain step taken with Him, is a place where we invite Love in.
It doesn’t matter so much if the step is taken the *right way,* it just matters that we step with the One who is the Way.
We don’t have to wait for the day that our steps feel perfect as we take them, we can simply take them with our eyes open. Maybe this is all I’d want her to know after all. Maybe this is what I still want her to know today... When you keep your eyes down looking at your own feet, all you’ll see is what is broken. But if you lift your eyes up expecting to see, you will get a glympse of Jesus right there in their eyes.
Keep looking up to see Him in their eyes and you’ll find the Gift . Though the steps forward can all feel so broken, all you ever have to do is look up.
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